HTML5, CSS3, ES6, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Bulma, React.js, Node.js, AJAX, MySQL, NoSQL, Express, HandlebarsJS, Git, Github, npm, Postman, AWS
Hungry and can’t decide where to eat? IDC Eats allows users to hit a button and find a restaurant nearby with preferences.
Features: Node, Express, React, MySQL, Material UI, Geolocation, Yelp API, Passport, Formik, Framer Motion
A Mad Lib generator that takes user input and plugs it into a predefined story template where the completed mad libs are saved into a database.
Features: JavaScript, Node, Express, Handlebars, MySQL, Sequelize, Mobile responsive
A restaurant app that lets users input the names of burgers they'd like to eat.
Features: JavaScript, MySQL, Node, Express, Handlebars, Homemade ORM, Mobile responsive
Find events in a specific state with Covid-19 data.
Features: HTML, CSS, Bulma, JavaScript, jQuery, API, Mobile responsive
A simple todo list application built with React hooks. It allows you to add, update and delete your items stored in local storage.
Features: JavaScript, CSS, React, Mobile responsive
Weather app that provides current and future weather forecasts in cities.
Features: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, API, Bootstrap, Mobile responsive